Antique, Modern and Contemporary paintings

Joseph Henri François Van Lerius : Voluptè et dèvouement (Voluptuousness and devotion)  (1857)  - Oil painting on canvas - Auction Antique, Modern and Contemporary paintings - Casa d'aste La Rosa

no lot

Oil painting on canvas
140 x 295 cm, framed 170x325 cm
Painting signed and dated on the gondola bottom left J. Van Lerius 1857. Provenance salon D. Van Spilbeck, purchased for the collection of the Duke van Saksen-Coburg-Gotha in Vienna . Work declared of cultural interest pursuant to art. 13 of & nbsp; Legislative Decree 42/2004. The purchase is subject to the exercise of the pre-emption by the superintendency BB.CC.AA. & nbsp;